Saturday, December 15, 2007

Free Lunch

Free lunch is always a good thing...almost always. It's not a good thing when the manager of the restaurant is "comping" your lunch with his sincerest apologies!

JC and I spent much of the morning Christmas shopping, and Kristen was shopping separately with her sister Allison. We decided to meet up for lunch, even though JC and I had already eaten. Since only Kristen and Ali would eat, we decided to go somewhere nice at Village Pointe. Alli and I ordered waters, and Kristen ordered a diet coke. So far so good...

When the waiter came back with our drinks, he set Alli's water down, then reached Kristen's coke to her, and somehow in the reaching process lost control of my water, which was still on his tray, which was hovering somewhere over JC's head. What transpired may give me nightmares for a week. The water - no, ICE water - spilled, overflowing the drink tray and proceeding to DRENCH my son right before my eyes. The icy flow began about mid-scalp, wetting his bangs down to his eyebrows as if he was taking a bath. His face and eyes were downstream, and they too were soaked. As the waiter (who was surely by now tasting both his heart and his stomach at the same time) tried to catch what he could, he threw water my direction. I can't complain much about the water spots on my pants, as JC had to remove much of his clothing.

JC's response: Much wailing & flailing.
Dad's response: Pick him up, dry him off...not enough...
Mom's response: Take him to the bathroom and do whatever it is that moms do best, which worked well. Within a few minutes, he was back at the table as if nothing had happened.

Needless to say, our lunch was free. The waiter apologized at least six times. The manager thanked us for handling it so well...I'm not sure what good it would have done to be really mad about it. It could have been the glass that hit him instead of the water, or worse, the water could have been hot. We all had a good laugh about it at the end of lunch, and we still left a tip. I bet the kid was surprised, but I hope it helps spread a little Christmas cheer. If nothing else, he'll remember the day he dumped ice-water on a baby and still got a tip! HA! I love that. Anyway, the moral of the story is, it could always be worse. OR Free lunch is always worth it...thanks, JC, for taking one for the team.

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Anonymous said...